What to Wear during shooting competitions

by Mac Raven

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“A man should look as if he had bought his clothes with intelligence, put them on with care, and then forgotten all about them.” – Hardy Amies.

Today’s theme is most often not addressed. What to wear during competitions is essential. If you’re uncomfortable during a match, you’re not going to perform well.

After many years of trial and error, I finally settled on these clothes. I’m not preaching what you absolutely must wear. These are the clothes I wear and why.

I believe I probably have competed in every weather condition on earth. I soldiered through matches in the desert heat and the Arctic cold, also known as the Midwest. Through it all, I wore the same stuff.


There are two different things I wear on my head.

First: A Shooting Hat with side blinders.

Second: A good pair of Electronic Earmuffs. When you are using them, it’s easy to hear the range commands even when a row of 100 cannons simultaneously cuts loose.

I do own Custom-Made Earplugs and still use them from time to time. The downside is you’re almost entirely deaf when they are in your ears.

“Oh, eye protection.”

Elbows and knees:

How many of you have come home from a match minus the skin on your knees or elbows?

I have tried a plethora of different knee/elbow pads and wraps. Finally, I found what had been eluding me. Just use Elastic Sports Tape.

Note: You must man-scape your elbows and knees unless you enjoy the feeling of hair ripping out of your skin.

Torso and bottom:

I can imagine what people think when they observe me at competitions. (Well, other than the socks.)There I am, it’s 100°F, and dressed in all black. No, I’m not entirely off my rocker.

It’s called Smart Wool. When it’s cold out, the fibers contract and hold in body heat; when it’s hot, they open up and allow your skin to breathe.

Keep in mind: you’re going to have sticker shock. Trust me; it’s worth every penny and more. (Don’t get knockoffs.)

Last on the list is rain gear. I use Frogs, which are cheap and very useful.

If you heed my advice, I believe you will be happy with the results. Be safe and shoot straight.

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